Sandpaper Disk Dispenser

Sandpaper Disk Dispenser 

An off-cut of timber rounded at one end, two strategically placed dowels glued in place and a few sanding disks placed (upside-down) form this handy dispender. 

The positioning of the dowels was determined by the location of the holes in the disk, and Lionel made several of these for different grade disks and sizes. 

The sandpaper is stored upside-down for at least two reasons: it keeps the sanding surface clean but, more-importantly, simply aligning the dowels with the holes in the disk-sander faceplate, the disks fit perfectly on the disk-sander operating surface. 

The Grit-size is written on the underside of each disk for convenience.

Photos and description courtesy of Lionel Hartley.

Posted with Lionel's permission by The Friends of Lionel Hartley


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