God, make me a little kinder (Poem)

God, make me a little kinder
A little more tender and true
Not needing a constant reminder
Of the things that I should do.

God, make me more easy to live with
Less ready to get hurt and vexed,
More patient and helpful in dealing
With the worried, the sad, the perplexed.

An eager disciple to follow
The steps where my Master has trod
Not afraid of the storms and the shadows
If my pathway leads straight to God.

Lionel Hartley, Good News Unlimited (magazine) 1994

Falsely attributed to Mary Eversley in the Ewell Parish News January 2012 - Page 5 (The monthly newspaper of St Mary the Virgin, Ewell, Surrey.)

Posted with Lionel's permission by The Friends of Lionel Hartley



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